One of the most profound experiences of my life was my 30-day silent retreat which I went on over 10 years ago. I found the silence enriching and it settled my soul to a new level that I had never experienced before. I had always taken an annual retreat of one week in silence, and I found that relatively easy, but I was surprised that 30 days of a silent retreat was so easy for me.  I learnt so much about myself and God that it changed me from the inside out! The grace of that retreat continues to bear fruit today.


The 30-day silent retreat is based on the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, and it is based on a series of meditations, prayers, and contemplative practices developed to help individuals discern God’s will in their lives. This all started by Saint Ignatius of Loyola after what is now famously known as his “cannonball experience.” In 1521, during the Battle of Pamplona, Ignatius was struck by a cannonball, severely injuring his legs. This injury forced him into a long period of recovery, during which he underwent a significant spiritual conversion. While bedridden, Ignatius read about the lives of Christ and the saints, leading him to reflect deeply on his own life and aspirations. This period of contemplation sparked a transformative process that eventually led to the creation of the Spiritual Exercises, a tool for others to embark on their own spiritual journeys.


What are the Spiritual Exercises?

The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius are a series of meditations, prayers, and contemplative practices developed to help individuals discern God’s will in their lives. The 19th Annotations are specifically tailored for those who cannot withdraw from their daily obligations to attend a retreat for 30 days in silence. Instead, participants engage in the exercises while continuing with their everyday activities.


I am excited to announce a new spiritual growth opportunity for our community this fall: the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Living (SEEL)program. This enriching program is rooted in the 19th Annotations of the Spiritual Exercises, designed to help deepen your relationship with God and integrate spirituality into your daily life.


SEEL Overview

The SEEL program will span 30 weeks from September/October to early May, offering a structured yet flexible approach to spiritual growth. Each participant will meet with a spiritual director for 30 minutes to 1 hour each week. These sessions provide guidance, support, and personalized insights to help you navigate your spiritual journey.

Between meetings, participants are encouraged to dedicate 30-45 additional minutes daily for prayer and reflection, fostering a continuous connection with God amidst daily routines. The exercises will challenge and inspire you, helping you to recognize God’s presence in all aspects of your life.


Questions to Discern Readiness for SEEL

To help you discern if you are ready to embark on this spiritual journey, consider reflecting on the following questions:

  • Am I seeking a deeper relationship with God?
  • Do I have a desire to understand and discern God’s will in my life?
  • Am I willing to commit an additional 30-45 minutes each day to prayer and reflection?
  • Can I attend weekly meetings with a spiritual director for the next 30 weeks?
  • Am I open to experiencing personal and spiritual transformation?

Why Join SEEL?

  • Deepen Your Faith: Experience a transformative journey that brings you closer to God.
  • Personalized Guidance: Benefit from one-on-one meetings with a spiritual director who will support and guide you.
  • Integrate Spirituality: Learn to see and experience God’s presence in your everyday life, making your faith an integral part of your daily activities.
  • Community Connection: Join fellow parishioners in a shared spiritual endeavor, strengthening our community bond.

We encourage you to consider participating in this enriching program. Whether you are new to the Spiritual Exercises or looking to deepen your existing practice, SEEL offers a unique opportunity to grow in faith and spirituality.


For more information and/or to sign up, please visit the website where you can learn more and complete the online application form. If you have questions, please contact Clare D’Agostino, Pastoral Associate for Faith & Spiritual Formation at Let us journey together towards a deeper, more integrated spiritual life. SEEL webpage click here.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sr. Mary-Han and Ana Bonilla who hosted Marty O’Bryan and Sr. Monica Vianney Le, OP for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) Formation program this week in the Simon Room. There were over 20 participants from various parishes for this formation, which is a Montessori teaching style for preschool age children. Special thanks to Mary-Jane Molina and her sister, Grace and friends for keeping everyone well fed. Thank you also to the staff and all the volunteers who assisted Sr. Mary-Han in the coordination of hosting this program.


This Sunday, June 23rd, will be Sr. Mary-Han’s last day ministering at St. Simon, and her last day on staff will be June 30th. Sr. Mary-Han will then leave for retreat and to celebrate her sister’s 25th religious life anniversary! On July 20th, Sr. Mary-Han will move to St. Catherine’s Priory where she will be working at St. Catherine’s Academy in Anaheim. She will be an English Language Learner teacher at the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose’s all-boys, international day and boarding elementary school. I would again like to thank Sr. Mary-Han who has diligently served our parish in Children’s Faith Formation and sacramental preparation for almost eight years. Sr. Mary-Han’s dedication and passion, particularly for the CGS program, has laid a strong foundation for our youngest parishioners and her unwavering dedication to the children and families will be remembered and cherished. Please read Sr. Mary-Han’s thank you note here.


Finally, please keep the VBS CORE Team, middle school counselors and young participants in your prayers as they embark for a week of bible school under the stars with God and fireflies! Our young campers will experience and learn ways to connect with and trust God. Best of all, they’ll understand they can connect with God at VBS, church, home, and every area of their lives. They will learn to trust God no matter what situation life brings, know God is always with them, and feel confident in sharing the good news of God’s love through Jesus Christ. “Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3.

God bless,

Fr. Brendan