One of the gifts of the COVID-era lockdowns was the awareness we developed for the different “essential workers” in our communities. From store clerks to first responders to nurses and doctors, we all got a sharp reminder how important the different strata of our working population really are and how important it is for us to recognize and appreciate them more adequately.

As we approach Labor Day, let us also take a moment to celebrate the gift of work and to honor all those who labor in our community. Work is not only a means of providing for ourselves and our families but also a way to participate in God’s ongoing creation. We are co-creators with God.

From CEOs to service workers in every field, each person’s contribution is valuable and deserving of recognition. On this Labor Day, let’s give thanks for the dignity of work and pray for all workers, especially the “essential workers” by asking God to bless their efforts and to bring justice and equity to all who labor. I want to also offer thanks to our teachers and school and parish school employees for their dedication in serving others in our community of St. Simon. Please offer a thank you to every worker you meet this weekend whether teacher, café barista, store clerk, CEO or grounds keeper. Let’s honor their work by seeing them and saying thank you.

This Sunday, as we continue our journey through Ordinary Time, we are reminded of the powerful message in the Letter of James: “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” (James 1:22). These words challenge us to move beyond mere listening and to actively live out our faith in our everyday lives.

It is easy to hear the Word of God, to be inspired by the teachings of Jesus, and to feel moved during Mass. It may be simple to believe in Jesus and His words, but it is another thing to become a real follower of Jesus and His way. The true test of our faith comes in how we bring those teachings into action. Our faith is not just something we keep to ourselves; it must be shown in our words, deeds, and choices. We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ in this world, to make His love visible through our actions.

Here in St. Simon Parish, we are blessed with numerous opportunities to put our faith into practice. Last weekend’s Rummage Sale was a great example. We raised over $40,000 for outreach projects and we recycled all sorts of stuff from our homes and at the same time supported lots of agencies who serve those in need. It was a fantastic weekend of ministry, and I am deeply grateful to Pattie Sharrow and Nancy Perkins and their department leads as well as their hundreds of volunteers who made this possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Another example is the ongoing work of the St. Vincent de Paul Society who offer a tangible way to serve those in need within our community, providing food, clothing, and support to our neighbors who are struggling. Please consider getting involved with their work. We need more workers to help those who have been doing this ministry for decades.

Also, if you feel called to reach beyond our local community, consider joining our Mission Trip to Tijuana next summer, where we will build homes, offer medical services, and share Christ’s love with our brothers and sisters across the border.

Additionally, our parish Homeless Ministry participates in feeding the unhoused, an outreach that embodies Christ’s call to care for the least among us. Whether through preparing meals, serving, or simply offering a kind word to someone in need, this ministry is a powerful way to live out the Gospel.

We also encourage you to consider participating in our ministry to the elderly, those in hospital, and the homebound. Many in our community are unable to attend Mass or participate in parish life due to age or illness. By visiting these members of our parish family, bringing them the Eucharist, or simply offering companionship, you can make a profound difference in their lives. This ministry is a beautiful expression of our call to be doers of the Word, extending Christ’s love and presence to those who need it most.

This Saturday, September 7th, is our annual Parish BBQ. If you haven’t already done so, get your tickets HERE. Ticket sales close on Sunday night! This event is a wonderful opportunity to meet new families, reconnect with old friends, and strengthen the bonds within our parish community. In a relaxed and joyful atmosphere, we can live out our call to be doers of the Word by sharing fellowship and hospitality with one another. Whether you’re new to the parish or have been with us for years, this BBQ is a perfect occasion to come together, enjoy good food, and build lasting relationships.

As we reflect on this week’s scripture, let’s ask ourselves: How am I being a doer of the Word? In what ways can I actively live out my faith this week? Whether it’s through volunteering, offering support to someone in need, or simply making a conscious effort to live more lovingly and compassionately, each action we take is a step toward building God’s kingdom here on earth.

Please plan to attend our Stewardship Weekend on September 14th and 15th to learn more about our ministries and sign up to participate. Let’s seize these opportunities within our parish to bring our faith to life. Together, let’s be not just hearers of the Word, but doers who bring the love of Christ into the world through our actions.

God Bless,

Fr. Brendan