Over the past several weeks I have been talking about the St. Simon Retreat being held here on October 27 & 28. I have been asking people if they have ever been on a retreat and if so, what would they say to others who have never been on a retreat.


One couple said, “We have been doing a retreat as a couple every year since our 2nd wedding anniversary [they are 54 years married now.] It is the greatest gift we give to each other every year — time away from family and house — just to spend a quiet weekend with each other and God. I cannot imagine our lives without that retreat. Each year we learn something new about our relationship with each other, with God and life in general. The annual retreat has given us the strength to endure some very difficult moments in our lives that might have crushed us otherwise. We are better people because of our annual retreat. We encourage people to give this gift to themselves and to renew yourself in God for you and your family. Come to the parish St. Simon Retreat.”


What powerful words of wisdom! I know that our St. Simon Retreat is not a traditional retreat like the couple mentioned above but it is a starter for many of you. Our retreat will have presentations, music, movement, quiet reflection, prayer time and meals to share together. All of this on campus so you don’t need to travel far and at night you can go home and sleep in your own bed. We are also offering childcare on Saturday for parents with young children. My hope is that these sessions and activities will give you something to inspire you in your relationship with God and others.


Let me give you another insight. One of the things I do as a priest is that I get to spend time with people when they are at their weakest moments. When their loved ones are sick or dying, or they are struggling through some pain, brokenness, or suffering in their lives. Those are privileged moments for us priests and I treasure them with all my heart. Over the years, I see a pattern. People who manage these times the best (with grace and strength), have regular prayer in their lives and a good relationship with God. I’m not saying that going through these times isn’t hard, it certainly is but prayer gives us a pathway, a tangible reality of God’s presence in our lives. People with a strong prayer life can walk in the darkness of life well and in fact, they learn to expect real growth in the darkness too.


I want to help you have a good relationship with God because sometimes during our life we lose it. We don’t intentionally lose our way with God, we just get distracted with life’s struggles or we merely get busy with the regular duties of our lives with family, friends, and work and lose our sense of priorities. We can get out of balance for various reasons — when we work too many hours and have little time for our families; when we travel too much and get out of routine; when we don’t exercise enough, and we put on weight and get out of shape; when we get anxious about life and don’t sleep well. Sometimes, we are brought to our knees with suffering that comes from ill health, our own bad choices, or other people’s cataclysmic choices. Or it could be that your life is filled by taking care of a spouse or parent that has health issues. You need a little extra nourishment, support, a routine/habit to help you through your day/week.


When we lose our way and things start to unravel, how do we reset? Normally daily prayer and resting a little is enough but other times we need the space to press the pause button and go away on retreat. It is a time to evaluate, slow down, a place of prayer and perhaps make some changes in our life. Going on retreat is good for your soul, so I ask you to give your soul the spiritual nourishment it is craving, kindle your spirit to keep the fire going. It will be #goodforthesoul. Invite a friend to join you and if you have gone on retreat and it was a great experience, what would you say to someone that has not gone on retreat and why? Tell us why click here. I will share highlights with others to inspire them. Come on retreat with us and give this gift to yourself. Information here. Register here.


A reminder this week that our Senior Luncheons are starting back on Tuesday, October 3rd at 12:00pm in the Simon Room. We have our Pet Blessing on the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi on Wednesday, October 4th at 8:00am and on Friday evening at 7:00pm, join us for popcorn, desserts and the Pope to watch the movie, The Letter. A message for our Earth. Watch the trailer here.


God bless,


Fr. Brendan