Second Sunday of Lent

I just arrived back from St. Monica’s Parish in Santa Monica, CA where I presented to them the Cairns on the Second Mountain of Life retreat that I gave at St. Simon’s last year. It was very well received and lots of people came to the sessions each night. It was a particularly healing trip…


First Sunday of Lent

All of this weekend and next week, I am away giving a retreat at St. Monica Parish, Santa Monica, CA. It will be the retreat I gave last year here at St. Simon, Cairns on the Second Mountain of Life, with some modifications to localize it. St. Monica Parish is a mega parish with over…


Shower Van Pop Up

We would like to partner with BASICS (Brothers and Sisters in Community Service), Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County,and ex-Village House volunteers to offer a shower service for the homeless and unhoused at Our Lady of Refuge Church in San Jose on Thursdays, from 1 PM to 4 PM each week.  Each week the “Shower…


Casa de Clara

The St. Simon Parish Outreach and Social Justice Council has two opportunities for our parishioners to provide service to others in our local community.  Come and help us make a difference! These are wonderful opportunities to serve our community as a family or fulfill service hours as a student. We need help to open a shelter…
