St. Simon Anniversary Mass Photos

The St. Simon Community came together to celebrate the 65th Anniversary of our Parish and the 60th Anniversary of our School on April 23 and 24.   Bishop Oscar Cantu joined us and presided over our Anniversary Mass on a beautiful warm spring evening.  Thank you to Mike Abbott for capturing the moments and preserving the…


5TH Sunday of Easter

Recently I read an article from Fr. Ron Rolheiser speaking about anger and how prevalent it is in our society today. He says, “That most of us operate, however unconsciously, out of anger and this shows itself in our constant criticism of others, in our cynicism, in our jealousy of others, in our bitterness, and…


Congratulations First Holy Communicants & Families

Wahu Margaret Albrecht Annika Wilma Araujo Franciso Julian Berrueta Austin Broms Cara Jane Buckley Lincoln Wesley Chiang Keagan Lynzi  Cottrell Jacquelyn Leila Esparza Anna Kuper Grunewald Aidan James Hui Isaiah Hyunsoo Jung Vivan Frances Kuruvilla Christopher John Markatos Matthew Lorenzo Mendoza Andrew James Millan Lizelle Ivana Obuson Simon Guy Phillipe Oudard Caroline Marie Ramko Diego…


3rd Sunday of Easter

In our culture we have an abundance. We have so many things at our disposal that it can be hard to know what to pay attention to. Even within one of these many things we can be inundated with choices. A great example is sports: we have an abundance of choices depending on our inclination…


Mother’s Day Wine & Word

St. Simon Parish’s Adult Faith Formation, Fun & Faith, Presents… Join Fr. Brendan & Christine Moore (certified sommelier) for the mother of all Wine and Word events!  Date: Saturday, May 8 Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m. Place: Zoom (link will be sent in advance) Cost: $100 (cost includes price of wine & a donation to Outreach to…


Second Sunday of Easter

The mystics maintain that there are two primary paths of transformation in this life. The first is the path of prayer and love and the second is the path of suffering. Most people want the first path but get the second path. Unfortunately, most of us are not well equipped to respond to the path…


Easter Sunday

Christ is Risen! Alleluia! It is so hard to believe that we have been in lockdown for over a year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on our personal and professional lives, it has also devastated our economy and it will take us a long time to recover. But…


Palm Sunday

I recently read that we will never fully penetrate the mystery of God’s revelation in Jesus until we realize that most of Jesus’ life was hidden; even his three “public” years were invisible to most people. On Passion Sunday we enter into Holy Week, the holiest of weeks for Christians, as we celebrate the three…
